Sunday, December 31, 2017

Let's Rock!

I hung out with my son for a day and after he assembled the Escher gang we decided to start working through the rulebook. I'll bulletize my observations this time but as we get better with the rules, and get more people battling it out in the hab blocks, I'm going to shift to a narrative format.
-We played the starter mission that had no tactics cards, no leaders/champions and very basic weapons for both sides... this really gave the Goliath gang a huge advantage. Their guns do more damage and they are terrors in melee. Escher, without their gas weapons, are at a significant disadvantage.

-The first two full rounds involved some maneuver and a bunch of gunfire... funny how no one was hitting anyone for nearly 2 rounds. Its alternating style of play so he went then I went with each unit. In the advanced rules Leaders can activate two nearby gangers and champions can activate one so that creates a rather large margin for maneuvering and choices on how you want to distribute your combat power.

- The shift between basic and advanced rules is a fairly big step. I'm going to come up with a quick rules reference to make it more efficient as we tried our best to stay with the advanced rules. I was constantly in the rule book and it wasn't always clear (we had an issue trying to really understand the "Coup de gra" maneuver and when you could use a free action to dispatch your seriously injured opponent.

-3D terrain is really going to make this game great! AS you can see we played in a room. I can see 3x levels and even some that are completely separate from the main board (like an extra sewer area)

- Need to have a regiment of player steps after missions: Serious Injury Table, Advancement Table, Shopping and then mission selection involvement... all needs to get streamlined. I fumbled through the book constantly during the game and it was a tad annoying but not nearly as annoying as 7th edition Warammer 40k.

-Used the tactical cards for one game (which was for purely for learning as the mission didn't call for their use) and I really like them... adds another element to the game that it was lacking from before.

-Otherwise, I was pleased to see my huge investment pay off in the first run. I think this is a game we can get into and add a couple house rules to really make it ours.

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